30 Second Challenge
Equipment needed:
One kicking target per line and a stopwatch
Instructors needed:
1 per Line
The students will test their ability to gain speed in their momentum by kicking non-stop for 30-seconds.
Teaching SKILLZ:
HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can make it into a competition, and tell the students to count how many kicks they do. The instructor can then ask the students how many kicks they did, and the student that did the most gets a point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
ATTENTION CONTROL – The students must kick the pad for thirty seconds without putting their leg down. This works on their ability to focus on doing one thing for an extended period of time, as they have to keep their leg up and kick the pad for the whole duration.
Step 1
Divide the class into lines.
Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
For each line you will need an instructor to hold a kicking target.
Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will kick the pad non-stop for 30-seconds.
  • As you kick the pad with each kick, make sure you remain in the same starting point.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Your goal is to keep a non-stop momentum with your kick for the entire 30-seconds.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has at least two turns with both legs.
  • How To Video
    A/B Challenge
    Equipment needed:
    1 clapper pad per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice having good MOMENTUM by demonstrating their ability to do multiple jump front kicks while having to remember the order of the leg that kicks.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    UP THE REP – On the first combination, the instructor can have the students use sloppy technique. As they continue doing more combinations, they can do them with a little better technique every time. On the last combination, the student should have the best technique that they can.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    WORKING MEMORY – The student must remember the order that they are given, and perform the correct kicks without messing up the order. This works on their ability to hold onto information while performing a task.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the students sitting with the instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in each line will stand up and face the instructor.
  • The instructor will designate one leg as A and one as B.
  • They will then call out a 3-5 move combo mixing the letters, the student must then do a jump front kick with the legs that were called.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Bend your knees so you can move quick
  • Snap your knees on your kicks.
  • Keep your hands up so you look good.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Call Your Shot
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    Few to Monitor
    Students will practice having good Momentum by being able to call out how many shots they can break a harder board with and beat one of their classmates.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student chooses the blue board one round and they are able to break it, motivate the students to try one board harder. If they chose a board they could not break, motivate the students to try that board again instead of going down a board, because if they are able to do something that they were not able to do before, they will be proud of themselves and will improve.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    RESPONSE INHIBITION – The students must be able to break boards that are harder than they may be used to. This works on their ability to do a task despite distraction, the distraction being any doubt they may have about them breaking a board they are not used to breaking, or they have to break a board that they know is difficult to break.
    Step 1
    Separate your students into lines, based off of how many instructors you have.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    The first student in each line will come up and choose a board higher than the green level.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • They then will choose what break they want to do and say how many shots they will do it in.
  • The second person in line will have to do that same break.
  • The goal is for the first student to break their board within the shots called, their partner will then try to do the same thing or beat the amount of shots.
  • If the second student is able to beat the first student then the first student will have 5 push-ups
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Aim for the middle of the board so that it has the best chance to break.
  • Move your body so that you can use the momentum of your body.
  • Be smart with your break, don’t pick something that is to difficult. Then you won’t get better.
  • Step 5
  • Continue for 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Chair Challenge
    Equipment needed:
    One pad and chair per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will test their ability to gain height in their momentum by jump kicking a pad held above their head level.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember how high they were able to kick on the first round. On the second round, the instructor can motivate the students to get a little higher than they did on the first round.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The students must be able to see the pad, jump and kick it without falling over. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to judge how high the pad is and how much power they need in order to kick the pad.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line you will need an instructor to hold a pad while standing on a chair.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will jump kick over your head level.
  • Make sure you use your arms to gain upwards momentum as you jump.
  • Do this three times.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Your goal is to not miss the pad when you kick.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has at least two turns with both feet.
  • How To Video
    Cone Pop
    Equipment needed:
    1 wavemaster/1 small cone per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will practice MOMENTUM by demonstrating their ability to have hard fast round kicks. This will challenge the students physically by requiring them to kick fast but also maintain good technique so they can throw another kick.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMPETITION – If the students are able to do one kick and make the cone pop off the pad, the instructor can see how many kicks the students can do before the cone hits the ground. The instructor can take note of the highest amount of kicks and set that as a record for the school to keep, so the next time the students play this game, they have a chance to beat the record.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    SPEED OF PROCESSING – The students must be able to do their kick with proper technique, and have enough power to where the cone pops off the pad. This works on their ability to complete a task quickly and accurately, since if they are not fast enough or do not have proper technique, the cone might not pop off the pad.
    Step 1
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Have a small cone on the top of each wavemaster.
  • The 1st student will face the bag and demonstrate a round kick.
  • If they kick the bag hard enough the cone should pop off the top of the bag.
  • On round 2 try to see if the students can throw a second round kick trying to hit the falling cone before it hits the floor.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Kick hard so the cone will pop.
  • Don’t forget to pivot to get more power.
  • Kick fast so you can hit the pad and the cone.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has 2 turns.
  • How To Video
    Connect the Dots
    Equipment needed:
    5 Dots and 1 Clapper pad per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will test their forward and rotational MOMENTUM in this drill by learning to front roll and change directions.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can make it a relay race, and see which team can finish the fastest. The instructor can also give the lines silly names, like “Hamburgers vs. Hotdogs” in order to motivate the students to win as a team.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The students must be able to roll from dot to dot without going off course. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to make sure they roll in the correct direction and make sure they are going the right way while they are rolling, even though their vision is distorted as they roll.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Place the dots in a zig-zag pattern on the ground with an instructor at the end with a clapper pad.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Front roll to each dot, one at a time.
  • Do not let your head touch the floor as you roll.
  • When you reach the last dot, perform a jump front kick.
  • Then run back to the end of your line.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Roll all the way to your feet.
  • Try not to pause before you do your jump kick.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until everyone has had 3 turns.
  • How To Video
    In the Bucket
    Equipment needed:
    1 bucket/3 small pads per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice MOMENTUM by demonstrating their ability to quickly hit a pad with a kick and give it enough power to land in a bucket. This will challenge them physically by requiring them to hit a pad with momentum in order to get it to the target spot.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student misses all their pads during their turn, the student will have five pushups. If they hit all the pads in the bucket, the instructor will have five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to see the pad and the bucket, and sidekick the pad into the bucket. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to make sure they target the middle of the pad, judge the distance between the pad and the bucket, and judge how much power is needed for the pad to go into the bucket.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    The students will start standing in front of the instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in line will be about 6’ from their bucket.
  • The instructor will hold 1 small pad out lined up with the bucket.
  • The student will have 3 attempts to side kick the pad into the bucket if they make the instructor get 3 jumping jacks but if they miss then the student does the exercise.
  • The students will switch to their other foot on the 2nd round.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Make sure you use power on every kick.
  • Be accurate so that you always hit the target.
  • Show good speed to make yourself better.
  • Step 5
  • Continue each person gets 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Jump! Roll! Kick!
    Equipment needed:
    A wavemaster top, a slammer pad, and a clapper pad for each line Instructors
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will work on their MOMENTUM by jumping over a pad, rolling over a pad and doing 10 round kicks. This will challenge them physically because they have to move fast and maintain good technique.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can give the lines silly names, like “Hamburgers vs. Hotdogs” in order to motivate the students to win as a team. The team with the most points at the end of the game will win.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    SPEED OF PROCESSING – The student must be able to jump over the pad, complete a front roll, and kick the pad before running back to their line. This works on their ability to complete a task quickly and accurately as there are different tasks in this drill that they have to complete quickly in order to get back to their line and score a point for their team.
    Step 1
    Split your class into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line, set out a Wavemaster on its side, a kicking shield, and a clapper pad.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The students will start by running and jumping over the first pad
  • Then they will have to front roll over the next pad
  • Finally, they will perform 10 round kicks on the clapper pad and run back to their line
  • Once your line is finished, have a seat and say “Finish Sir” or “Finish Ma’am”
  • First team to finish gets a point.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Move quickly through the course.
  • Jump high enough and tuck your knees to clear the bags.
  • Keep your chin in while you roll so you don’t bump your head.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until one line has 3 points.
  • How To Video
    Ladder Jumps
    Equipment needed:
    One ladder per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will test their ability to gain momentum with distance by running and jumping as far as they can with an agility ladder.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember how far they jumped last time, and try to jump one level higher than they did on their previous turn.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to see the rungs of the ladder and jump in between them, without stepping on the rungs on the ladder or falling over. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see and participate in visual activities, as the student must be able to judge how far they think they can jump and how much power it would take to get there.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line you will need to lay out an agility ladder.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The first student in each line will start by jumping into the first square.
  • On the second round, everyone will jump into the second square, and so forth until they fall or cannot reach the next square.
  • If they fall or cannot make it into the square, then they are out.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The student will challenge themself to jump as far as they can.
  • Step 5
  • You can make it a challenge to see which student can make it the furthest.
  • How To Video
    Lift Off
    Equipment needed:
    2 Kicking Shields Per Line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will demonstrate MOMENTUM by generating force from a static position. This will challenge the students physically by requiring them use their leg muscles to push over obstacles.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student lands on the pads or falls down, then the student will have five pushups before they can do their kick again.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The student must be able to jump over the pads, while also executing their sidekick chamber and their sidekick. This works on their ability to focus on multiple things at one time.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have your students face the stacked pads.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in line will face the pad with their kicking leg in the back.
  • On round 1 the students will lift over 1 pad, trying to land in a sidekick chamber.
  • Once every student goes then the instructor can add a 2nd pad to the stack.
  • After the students get a chance to jump over 2 pad the instructor will then remove 1 shield and hold it for the students.
  • On round 3 the students will lift over the pads and sidekick!
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Tuck the bottom leg so you don’t hit the bottom.
  • Push hard to gain momentum.
  • Use your landing gear so that you don’t get hurt on the way down.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each students has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Lily Pad Leaps
    Equipment needed:
    4 rings & 1 slammer pad per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice MOMENTUM by going quickly from one activity to the other while demonstrating good technique so that their team can win.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMEPTITION – The instructors can turn this game into a relay race, with the first team that finishes being the winner. The instructor can also allow the winning team to choose an exercise for the losing teams to do, not exceeding five reps.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMEPTITION – The instructors can turn this game into a relay race, with the first team that finishes being the winner. The instructor can also allow the winning team to choose an exercise for the losing teams to do, not exceeding five reps.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the students in a line in front of the rings.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Have the students in a line in front of the rings.
  • When the instructor says “GO” the students will start to hop from side to side going through the rings.
  • The students goal is to quickly hop through the first 3 rings.
  • On the 4th ring they must freeze and sidekick the pad the instructor is holding.
  • If the students stop during the jumps or fall then they must restart.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Control every jump so you look strong
  • Move quickly so it’s easier.
  • Tuck your knees up to help build better kicks and movements.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each team gets 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Ninja Mountain
    Equipment needed:
    Six to eight slammer pads
    Instructors needed:
    In this drill the students will build their momentum. They will work on building momentum by jumping for height.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can see which student can set a record for the school for the highest jump, or beat the previous record that another student holds.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to see how high the mountain is, and determine how much power they need in order to make it over the mountain while landing on their feet. This works on their ability to participate in visual activities and make sense of what they see, as they have to judge the height of the pads, when they need to jump, and how much power they need in order to make the jump.
    Step 1
    Explain to the students some tips for building momentum when jumping for height:
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Stack three slammer pads in the middle of the training mat.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will run and build momentum as you jump over the three slammer pads.
  • If you knock the pads over as you jump then you are out.
  • If you fall as you land, then you are out.
  • As each student has a turn to jump over the pads, the instructor will add a pad to the stack.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Run at a good pace to build momentum.
  • As you jump, do not stop or else you will lose momentum.
  • Tuck your knees as you jump to increase your upward momentum.
  • Step 5
  • The last person standing is the winner.
  • How To Video
    Ninja River
    Equipment needed:
    Two ropes
    Instructors needed:
    In this drill the students will build their momentum. They will work on building momentum by jumping for distance.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can see which student can set a record for the school for the farthest jump, or beat the previous record that another student holds.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to see the river and how far wide it is, and jump over it without touching the ropes. This works on their ability to participate in visual activities and make sense of what they see, as they have to judge the distance between the ropes, when they need to jump, and how much power they need in order to make the jump.
    Step 1
    Explain to the students some tips for building momentum when jumping for distance:
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Set up two ropes approximately two feet apart from each other in the middle of the training mat as shown in the picture.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will run and build momentum as you jump over the two ropes in the middle of the training mat.
  • If your foot touches either rope, or if your foot lands in between the ropes then you are out.
  • If you fall as you land, then you are out.
  • As each student has a turn to jump over the ropes, the instructors will “widen the river.”
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Run at a good pace to build speed.
  • As you jump, do not stop or else you will lose momentum.
  • Keep your upper body directly over your lower body so that you don’t lose balance as you land.
  • Step 5
  • The last person standing is the winner.
  • How To Video
    Spin Cycle
    Equipment needed:
    1 dodgeball per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice MOMENTUM by demonstrating their ability to quickly spin and track an object. This will challenge them physically by requiring them to spin quickly while they also track an object that they have to be able to catch.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student drops the ball on all three tries, then they have five pushups. If they are able to catch the ball on all three tries, then the instructor will do five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to spin in a circle after throwing a ball in the air, and catch the ball before it hits the ground. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they must spot a target in their air while their vision is distorted from spinning and their sense of direction is skewed.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the students stand up and face the instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student will hold the dodgeball in their hand.
  • The student will have to bounce the ball on the ground and then they will have to quickly do a 360.
  • After they do the 360 they have to find the ball and catch it before the ball hits the ground again.
  • The goal is for them to try and do 3 catches in a row.
  • On round 2 have them try 2 spins or they can catch the ball w/ 1 hand.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Eyes first so it is easy to see the ball.
  • Move your shoulders to make spinning easier.
  • Use 2 hands when you go to catch the ball.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video