Here are the three KICKING tips that I want everyone to practice today:
1. Keep your hands up.
2. Bend your knee before and after you kick.
3. Watch where you are kicking.
Skill-Building Drills – 15 Minutes
You Kick, I Kick:
In this drill the students will take turns kicking the target and holding the target. This is a great drill to teach them how to play fair with each other.
Teaching SKILLZ: HEALTHY COMPETITION – Make it a competition to see who can be louder than their partner.
Brain SKILLZ: WORKING MEMORY – The student must remember the protocol when holding targets for one another.
Kick Fast!:
In this drill the students will practice the early stages of kicking while walking, counting and striking a target.
Teaching SKILLZ: TRICKERY – Try to trick the students by pretending to move the noodle or by saying words that sound like numbers.
Brain SKILLZ: VISUAL PROCESSING – The student will focus on kicking correctly while not getting hit with the noodle.