Skill: Coordination
Drill: Cone Race
Equipment needed: 1 wavemaster pad, 2 cones per line
Instructors needed: A few to monitor
Description: The students will be challenged to practice their COORDINATION in this drill by having to remember their left and right sides while racing to grab the cone on the proper side.
Teaching SKILLZ:
TRICKERY – The instructor can call out “left” or “right”, and point in the opposite direction than the one they call. This will test their auditory processing and visual processing, as they have to recognize the audio cue as correct and the visual cue as incorrect.
SPEED OF PROCESSING – The student must be able to hear the instructor call out a direction, and run towards their cones, put the correct cone on the pad, and run back to their line as quickly as possible. This works on their ability to make the correct choices quickly, as well as completing a task quickly and accurately.
Step 1
Divide your students into lines
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
For each line you will need one wavemaster pad, with one cone on each side. Set these at the opposite end of the mat across from each line.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will call out “left” or “right”.
  • The first student in each line will race to their pad and grab the corresponding cone.
  • Then they must place it on top of their pad.
  • The first student to do so properly is the winner.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Know your right side and left side.
  • Run down the mat fast.
  • Think about the correct side as you run down.
Step 5
  • Continue to play until each student has 3 turns.
How To Video