Skill: Agility
Drill: Around the World
Equipment needed: One wavemaster per line
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: The students will test their agility through multiple executions of the same technique while having to also move around the target increasing body awareness.
Teaching SKILLZ:
HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can have the students complete their turn in ten seconds on the first round. On later rounds, the instructor can see who is fast enough to beat a lower time limit, like eight seconds.
ATTENTION CONTROL – The students must be able to keep their foot up as they round kick every pad. This works on their ability to complete a task over a period of time, as they must be able to focus on holding their leg up for their whole turn.
Step 1
Divide your students into lines
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Have each line on the opposite side of the mat from their wavemaster.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • When you say “go” the first student in each line will race to the wavemaster.
  • Using the front leg they will round kick the bag while maneuvering around the bag.
  • After a full rotation they will race back to their line and tag the next person.
  • This will repeat until everyone has gone, the first team to sit strong is the winner.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Kick with your back leg each time.
  • Do as many kicks as you can.
  • Don’t stop moving.
Step 5
  • Continue for a second time using the left leg.
How To Video