Drill: Partner Pass
Equipment needed: 1 dodge ball per group
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: Students will practice having rolling by being able to roll the ball to their teammate.
Teaching SKILLZ:
HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can have the students race to see which teams can finish their turn under a certain time limit; The first round having no time limit, the second having seven seconds to finish, and the third round having five seconds to finish.
VISUAL PROCESSING – The students must be able to pass the ball to their friends from a distance away. This works on their ability to participate in visual activities, as they must judge how hard and where they need to roll the ball in order to make it to another student.
Step 1
Divide your students into groups.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
The first students in each group will make a square.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • When the instructor says “go” the students will then roll the ball to the person next to them. They will keep going until each student will have a chance with the ball.
  • Once the ball makes it all the way around the students will sit strong.
  • One round two reverse the direction the ball goes.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Keep your eyes on the ball so you know when it’s coming to you.
  • Push the ball in a straight line so it makes it to your partner.
  • Take your time so that you get the ball to the correct person.
Step 5
  • Continue for 2-3 turns.
How To Video