(Ages 5 – 6)
Drill: Static Arm Exercise: Beginner Push-Up Holds
Equipment needed: None
Instructors needed: Several to monitor
Description: The students will build arm strength by holding their body off the ground with their palms, while on their knees.
Step 1
  • Have your students lay on their bellies with their palms on the ground at their side, right below their shoulders, and knees bent so that their toes are points towards the ceiling.
Step 2 -Explain the rules:
  • When I say, “go” you will raise your body off the ground with your palms, while keeping your knees, hips, and head aligned.
  • Make sure your toes remain pointed towards the ceiling.
  • You will hold the beginner push-up position and count to ten.
Step 3
  • While counting, try not to move your body at all.
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