Skill: Reaction
Drill: Cold Potato
Equipment needed: One ball per group
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: In this drill the students will build their reaction skills with protection reflexes. The students will pass a ball around in a circle and when the music stops, the person with the ball must hold onto it for five seconds as the people to their left and right try to steal the ball.
Teaching SKILLZ:
EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the holder is able to hold onto the ball for the full five seconds, then the other two students can do ten pushups. But if the holder loses the ball, then the person who got the ball is safe, and the other two students have ten pushups.
RESPONSE INHIBITION – This works on their ability to compete a task despite distraction, as the student holding the ball must hold onto the ball, even when people are trying to take it out of their hands. The students who need to take the ball have to try their hardest to take it from the holder, even if it is difficult as they are competing with another person as well.
Step 1
Have the students make a big circle.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Give one student in the circle a ball.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • When the music starts you will pass the ball around the circle clockwise.
  • When the music stops, the person holding the ball must hold onto the ball as the people to the left and right try to steal the ball.
  • The student with the ball after five seconds is the winner.
  • The other two students must do ten push-ups.
  • You can make this even more challenging by having them pass the ball around the circle.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Hold on to the ball when classmates try to take the ball
  • Try to claim the ball when you are not holding the ball
  • Avoid distractions to complete the task
Step 5
  • Continue until every student has a turn to hold onto the ball.
How To Video