Skill: Flexibility
Drill: Elevator
Equipment needed: 1 clapper pad per line
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: Students will practice FLEXIBILITY by demonstrating their ability to maintain leg strength over an extended period of time. This will challenge the students physically by requiring them to lift their leg higher and higher even if they’re tired.
Teaching SKILLZ:
HEALTHY COMPETITION – On the second round, the instructor can say “who is going to get their leg higher than last time?” in order to motivate the students to do better than they did previously.
RESPONSE INHIBITION – The student has to hold their leg in the air, slowly increasing levels as time goes on. This works on their ability to complete a task despite distraction, the distraction being how uncomfortable their leg might be.
Step 1
Divide your students into lines.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Have the students face the instructor.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in line will stand up and extend their leg to knee level.
  • They will hold for 5 second then they will raise their foot to the next level and they will hold.
  • This process will continue until the student reaches the top floor on the elevator.
  • On round 2 have the students use their opposite leg.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Keep your eyes on the pad so you stay in position.
  • Control your body as you play.
  • Say “yes I can” if it starts to hurt.
Step 5
  • Continue each person get 2-3 turns.
How To Video