(Ages 5 – 6)

Class 12 – Memory

Ultimate Warm-Up – 7 Minutes
  • Arms: Advanced army crawls up and down the mat
  • Legs: Jack in the box walks up and down the mat
  • Abs: Donkey kong’s up and down the mat
  • Core: Forwards cab crawls up and down the mat
Mat Chat – 3-minutes (Includes Water Break)
  • Today we are going to work on MEMORY.
  • MEMORY means to put things in one ear and not let them come out the other ear.

Here are three memory tips that you will learn today:

1. Reactive MEMORY is how quickly you can remember something. 2. Long-term MEMORY is when you need to remember something for a long time like your phone number and the names of your Martial Arts moves. 3. Short-term MEMORY is something that you only need to remember for a little bit, like where you line up for class.
Skill-Building Drills – 15 Minutes

Fruits & Veggies:

The students will practice MEMORY by demonstrating their ability to use reactive memory by quickly being able to strike with the correct technique when the instructor calls out a fruit or veggie.
  • Teaching SKILLZ: TRICKERY – Trick the student by calling out things that are not fruits or vegetables.
  • Brain SKILLZ: LONG TERM MEMORY – The student must be able to do their punches and kicks, while recognizing if the instructor calls out a fruit or a vegetable.

Which One:

Students will practice MEMORY by demonstrating their ability to show short term memory by having to remember all of the moves inside of a combination. This will challenge them mentally by requiring them to quickly have to remember a single move from their combination.
  • Teaching SKILLZ: NEUROBICS – Instead of counting the moves as “1, 2, 3”, you can count colors instead to connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • Brain SKILLZ: WORKING MEMORY – The student must be able to remember each move in the combination that the instructor does, and then do the correct move that the instructor calls out.li>
Skill Stripe Test – 15 Minutes

See Testing Charts:

Beginner Testing Chart
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Intermediate Testing Chart
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Advanced Testing Chart
View Print
Partner Stretches: 5-minutes
  • Butterfly partner pulls
  • Kneeling partner push
  • Sitting elbow pull
  • Straddle partner pull
Game – 3-minutes
  • Bull Dog

End of Class Announcements:

2 Minutes