The students will build abdominal strength by lifting their shoulder and feet off the ground, both at a 45-degree angle for twenty reps.
Step 1
Have your students lay on their backs with their shoulders and feet slightly off the ground, and arms extended towards their toes.
Step 2 -Explain the rules:
When I say, “go” you will raise your shoulders and feet off the ground, both at a 45-degree angle, while your arms are extended in front, parallel with your legs and then lower your body back, keeping your shoulders and feet off the ground in between each rep.
Keep your feet together and do not to bend your knees.
You will do this for twenty reps.
Step 3:
Continue for two rounds.
On the second round, make sure they are keeping their body in perfect alignment throughout each rep. If they are not, freeze the count until they correct their position.