Drill: Active Core Exercise: Advanced bridge shoulder taps
Equipment needed: None
Instructors needed: Several to monitor
Description: The students will build their core strength by (from advanced bridge position) tapping their shoulders, alternating arms for twenty reps.
Step 1
  • Have your students raise their body off the ground with the palms of their hands and heels, keeping their heels, hips, and shoulders aligned. This is also referred to as advanced bridge position.
Step 2 -Explain the rules:
  • When I say, “go” you will tap your right shoulder with your left hand, and then tap your left shoulder with your right hand, keeping your body in perfect alignment.
  • You will do this for twenty reps.
  • Continue for two rounds.
Step 3:
  • On the second round, walk around and push on their bellies as they provided resistance.
How To Video