(Ages 5 – 6)

Class 14 – Discipline

Active Warm-Up – 7 Minutes
  • Arms: Shoulder taps
  • Legs: Beginner squats
  • Abs: Sit ups
  • Core: Bridge with side taps
Mat Chat – 3-minutes (Includes Water Break)
  • Today we are going to work on DISCIPLINE.
  • DISCIPLINE means to make good choices in everything that you do.

Here are three discipline tips that you will learn today:

1. Following directions – your parents and teachers should only have to tell you once to do something. 2. Self-discipline – if you make proper choices, then you have self-discipline. 3. Being still – it’s hard to sit still so if you can sit still then you have good DISCIPLINE.
Skill-Building Drills – 15 Minutes

Train Stretch:

Students will practice having good discipline by being able to hold a middle split while waiting until they are able to pass a ball all the way to the end of their line.
  • Teaching SKILLZ: HEALTHY COMPETITION – Each team can have silly names to gain points for, so the students feel more motivated to gain points, like “hamburgers vs. hotdogs”.li>
  • Brain SKILLZ: ATTENTION CONTROL – The student must be able to stay in their middle split the entire duration, until the whole team is done, even if they already passed the ball to the person behind them.

Silly Ninjas:

Students will practice having good discipline by being able to sit and not move when their friend is acting silly around them.
  • Teaching SKILLZ: EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – For every person who does not laugh for the whole duration, the instructor will do one pushup.
  • Brain SKILLZ: ATTENTION CONTROL – The student must be able to stay in their middle split the entire duration, until the whole team is done, even if they already passed the ball to the person behind them.
Skill Stripe Test – 15 Minutes

See Testing Charts:

Beginner Testing Chart
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Intermediate Testing Chart
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Advanced Testing Chart
View Print
Active stretches: 5-minutes
  • Arm circles
  • Cross over toe touches
  • Side lunges
  • Ski stretches
Game – 3-minutes
  • 4 Corners

End of Class Announcements:

2 Minutes