1. Watch what you are doing.
2. Keep your balance.
3. Have good discipline.
Skill-Building Drills – 15 Minutes
Ball Tag:
The students will practice ROLLING by demonstrating their ability to use their hand-eye coordination to be able to chase their partner around a pad while rolling a ball.
Teaching SKILLZ: HEALTHY COMPETITION – The students will compete to see who can roll the ball the fastest.
Brain SKILLZ: VISUAL PROCESSING – The student will work on good hand-eye-coordination to roll the ball quickly.
Over the Tracks:
The students will forward roll over the slammer pads. This will help them build good core muscle development and spatial awareness.
Teaching SKILLZ: EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student can stay on the pad while rolling correctly, then the instructor will do 3 push-ups.
Brain SKILLZ: ATTENTION CONTROL – The student must stay focused on rolling correctly all the way down the pads.