Skill: Intensity
Drill: Perfect Sides
Equipment needed: One re-breakable board per line
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: The student will practice intensity in the frequency of their Martial Arts moves by breaking re-breakable boards non-stop while alternating arms or legs. This is great for building power and endurance.
Teaching SKILLZ:
CHOICES – On the second round, the instructor can ask the student whether they want to do a hammer fist or an elbow strike. On the third round, the instructor can ask if they want to do a front kick or a side kick. The choice in the activity will also empower the students, as they will feel more in control over what they are doing.
VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to see the spot on the board that they are supposed to hit, and hit that spot even if they use a hand they are not used to. This works on their ability to participate in visual activities, as they have to see the spot on the board and understand that they can only hit that spot.
Step 1
Divide your students into lines.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
For each line you will need an instructor to hold a re-breakable board.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • You will break the board with a palm strike, alternating arms on each break.
  • If you miss, then your turn is up.
  • Continue until each student pair has at least two turns.
  • You can add variety by changing the technique. For example: hammer fists, elbow strikes, front kicks, round kicks, side kicks, axe kicks, etc.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Working on concentration and intensity by being able to break the board with thir techniques.
Step 5
  • You can make it a contest to see which student has the most consecutive breaks in a row. (Our record for palm strikes is 58!)
How To Video