Drill: Shapes
Equipment needed: Various shaped pads
Instructors needed: A few to monitor
Description: Students will work on their THINKING by recognizing item shapes.
Step 1
Have the students and guardians sit with each other.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Set up 1 group of shaped objects as an example, and spread the others out on the mat.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • Guardians will tell their student to get an item of a certain shape (circle, square, rectangle, etc.)
  • Students will run and get the right item and stack it on top of the examples.
  • If students get the wrong shape guardians will tell them to put it back and try again.
  • Continue until all of the items are picked up.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Be patient as students think about which is the right shape
  • Encourage students to run fast
  • Cheer on students as they bring back the right item
Step 5
  • Continue as many times as you can until time is called (approximately 2-minutes).
How To Video