Skill: Endurance
Drill: Burn Out (Bo)
Equipment needed: Bo & 1 ring per line
Instructors needed: Several to monitor and coach
Description: The students will develop ENDURANCE to maintain power in their strikes.
Step 1
  • Divide the students into even lines.
Step 2 – Explain the rules:
  • When the instructor says “go”, students race to the ring and complete 4 count strikes in a front stance.
  • When they finish, they must race back and tag their teammate, who can then go.
  • The first team to have everyone complete the 4 counts wins.
  • In round 2 alternate 10 horizontal overhead strikes.
  • In round 3 have the students perform 10 figure 8 spin and strikes.
Step 3 – Takeaways
  • Run fast!
  • Demonstrate full range of motion on strikes and stances.
  • Breathe on each technique or keep count.
Step 4
  • Continue for several rounds.
How To Video