Skill: Action
Drill: Dodgeball
Equipment needed: Even amount of dodge balls for both teams & a way to divide the mat.
Instructors needed: 1+ to monitor/tag
Description: The students will challenge their AGILITY, PRECISION & TEAMWORK in a fun game of Dodge Ball!
Step 1
  • Split the class into two teams.
  • Create a boundary in the middle of the training deck to divide the teams.
Step 2 – Explain the rules:
  • If the ball hits you in the air then you are out and must go to the side and do 10 jumping jacks.
  • After you’ve been hit three times, then you are out for good and must sit on the side until the game is over.
  • The game is over after 5-minutes, or when all of the people from one team are out.
  • If time runs out, the team with the most people left is the winner.
Step 3 – Additional Rules:
  • If the ball bounces first, you are not out.
  • You cannot kick the dodge balls.
  • You cannot hold more than one dodge ball at a time.
  • You cannot hold onto a dodge ball for more than five seconds.
  • You cannot cross your team’s boundary.
Step 4 – Takeaways
  • Stay on your feet during the game.
  • Move all the way to the side for your jumping Jacks.
  • Don’t kick the dodge balls!
Step 5
  • Continue for 3 – 4 games.
How To Video