1 – 5 – 10
Equipment needed:
Instructors needed:
1 per Line
The students will test their versatility with changeability by performing their form while the instructors have them switch up their intensity level throughout the form.
Teaching SKILLZ:
UP THE REP – On the second round, the instructor can tell the students to have their worst technique on their moves at level one intensity, okay technique at level five, and their best technique at level ten. This will motivate the students to play the game and be silly on the first level, and then work up to their best technique on the last level.
WORKING MEMORY – The student must be able to do their form, while remembering the level of intensity they are on and remember to show that level of intensity until the instructor calls out another number. This works on their ability to remember information while performing a task.
Step 1
Divide the class into groups.
Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
Have the first person from each group stand in the middle of the forms ring.
Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • When I say “go” you will begin your form at a level 1 on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • As I call out the following numbers, you will adjust your form to the proper intensity level:
  • 1 = soft
  • 5 = medium
  • 10 = strong
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The idea is to be able to show three obvious intensity levels in your form.
  • Continue until each student has at least two turns.
  • Step 5
  • To make it fun, have the students and instructors switch roles.
  • How To Video
    Battle Forms
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will work on their VERSATILITY by adding a combination to the form they are doing. This will test them intellectually by adding a combination and keeping up with the one before.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    NTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can give the students a little more time to add onto their form, until their form has ten moves. For this round the instructor can challenge the students to put more variety in their combination and get creative with the moves that they do. This will motivate the students to create a form with their team that they are proud of.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    WORKING MEMORY – The students must create a form together and perform it in front of the class. This works on their ability to remember information while performing a task, as they have to remember their form that they create with their team.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Assign each group space on the mat and an instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Students will alternate choosing moves to add onto their creative form.
  • Once they hit 6 moves, they will stop.
  • Each team will show off their 6 move form while trying to stay together.
  • The team that shows the most VERSATILITY will win.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Communicate effectively with your teammates.
  • Be loud so you catch the judge’s attention
  • Continue until for 1 to 2 rounds.
  • Step 5
  • Be creative and stay away from simple moves that aren’t as impressive as others
  • How To Video
    Blindfold Form
    Equipment needed:
    One blind fold per group
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    When practicing your form, you build muscle memory. In this drill, we are going to put your muscle memory to the test by practicing your form blindfolded.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student takes off the blindfold and they are facing the wrong direction, the student will have ten pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    LONG TERM MEMORY – The students must perform their combination while blindfolded. This will work on their ability to recall things that they have previously learned, as they must remember their form and where to step without looking where they are going.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into groups according to rank.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Pick one volunteer to go first (from each group and put a blindfold on them
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The student will run through the first five moves of the form to get use to the awkward feeling.
  • Have everyone go through, doing only 5 forms
  • Continue until every student has a turn.
  • Next time through the students will run through the entire form blindfolded.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Develop muscle memory by repeating the forms from memory – without being able to see
  • Step 5
  • Make sure you emphasize good technique while each student does the form blindfolded.
  • How To Video
    Compas Switch
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice having good VERSATILITY by working on their ability to perform their form but also be able to change directions as they perform without being thrown off.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student does a move in the wrong direction, they will have five pushups. If the student is able to perform their form correctly, then the instructor will have five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    LONG TERM MEMORY – The student must be able do their form, while switching directions in the middle of it. This works on their ability to recall information that they have learned in the past, as they must not focus on relating their form to their surroundings, but remembering the form on its own.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the students witting around a ring.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in the group will stand up and go to their ready stance.
  • When the instructor says “GO” they will start performing their form, when the instructor says a direction N<S<E<W then the students must turn to that direction of the room.
  • The instructor should designate areas of the room as N<S<E<W.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Use good technique as you go through your form.
  • Use good pace to show good versatility
  • Answer loudly as you yell in the form.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Form Breaks
    Equipment needed:
    1 Board Per Line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will work on their VERSATILITY in this drill by breaking a board with combinations from their form.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student is not able to break the board, then the student has five pushups. If the student can break all the boards on their turn, then the instructor will have ten pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must see the board and hit the correct spot, even if it is a move they are not used to breaking a board with. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to see the correct part of the board that they need to hit.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into lines based on rank.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Each line will need one instructor to hold boards.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will assign your line with a combination from your form.
  • You must break the board with a technique from the combination.
  • Each person gets 3 shots to break the board.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Have great technique in all techniques leading up to the break.
  • Strike strong and fast to break the board.
  • Show your VERSATILITY boy smoothly continuing with your combination.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until everyone has 2 turns.
  • How To Video
    Form in a Box
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the students will build their versatility with adaptability in their forms. They will perform their form within a confined space.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student steps out of the box, they have to start over. If the student is able to make it through their turn without stepping outside of the box, the instructor will have five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The student must be able to focus on doing their form, and making sure they are keeping inside of their box. This works on their ability to focus on multiple things at one time.
    Step 1
    Explain what versatility with adaptability means as it is applied to their form:
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Divide your class into groups based on their form. For each group lay out four cones or markers to provide a 2 ½’ x 2 ½’ space as shown in the picture.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will bow you in and say “begin” as you perform your form within the box.
  • You must perform the form within the space that you were provide which means that you will have to adapt your form to move backwards instead of forwards.
  • If the instructor feels like you stepped out of the box, or you miss a move in the form that could’ve been adapted within the box, then you must start over.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The goal is to finish the form within three attempts while applying versatility with adaptability.
  • Step 5
    How To Video
    Forms Tag
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the students will practice their forms by running through their form and having their partner take over when the instructor says “tag.”
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    CHOICES – The instructor can ask the students to pick a partner in ten seconds. This gives them the chance to work with the people they want to work with, and will also empower the students, as they will feel more in control over what they are doing.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    ONG TERM MEMORY – The student must be able to remember their form, even when they are not currently doing it, and be able to jump into their form at any point and continue it. This works on their ability to recall information that they have learned in the past.
    Step 1
    Pair your students up with a partner
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Divide the partners into groups with no more than three pairs per group.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • One student will start the form.
  • When the instructor say “tag” the student will switch with their partner.
  • The partner must continue the form from where their partner left off.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The instructor will continue to say “tag” throughout the form until the form is complete.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each pair has completed the form at least twice.
  • How To Video
    Jumping Kata
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will test their versatility by performing their form while jumping as they execute each move.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    NEUROBICS – On the second round, the instructor can challenge the students by having them name animals, fictional characters, movies, or another age appropriate category after each combination. This will connect the left and right hemispheres of their brain as well as keep the students engaged.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The student must be able to do their form while jumping after every move. This works on their ability to focus on multiple things at one time, as they have to jump and do their move together, and not one after the other.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the first person from each group stand in the middle of the forms ring.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will do your form.
  • You will jump while executing each move.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Your goal is to also land in a perfect stance after each jump.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has at least two turns.
  • How To Video
    Land Minds!
    Equipment needed:
    Several small obstacles per group
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will test their versatility with adaptability by performing their form while avoiding stepping on obstacles.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student steps on a land mine, then the student will do five pushups and start over their form.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The students must see all the obstacles around them as they do their form, and do their form without stepping on one. This works on their ability to participate in visual activities, as they have to tweak their movement in the form in order to avoid the land mines.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the first person from each group stand in the middle of the forms ring. Lay out a bunch of obstacles around the ring as shown in the picture.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • When I say “go” you will perform your form while avoiding all of the obstacles on the mat.
  • For every obstacle that you step on, you must do 5 push-ups.
  • The goal is to use wider stances to avoid the obstacles.
  • On the second round, see which student can perform their entire form without stepping on an obstacle and if the student steps on an obstacle then they are eliminated.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The goal is to use wider stances to avoid the obstacles.
  • Step 5
  • You can make it a challenge by having the students try it blindfolded on the third round.
  • How To Video
    Musical Forms
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    Several to Monitor
    The students will test their VERSATILITY in this drill by performing their form to their full ability and showing resourcefulness by being able to start and stop mid-combination.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The last student standing in the game will be the winner, and the instructor can allow that student to pick the game at the end of class.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    AUDITORY PROCESSING – The student must be able to listen for the music to stop, and when it does stop doing their form, regardless of where their body is. This works on their ability to respond to audio cues quickly, as if they do not stop when the music stops, they will be out.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into groups based on rank.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Assign one instructor per group to monitor, and one to start and stop the music.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • When the music starts, you will perform your form with full speed and power.
  • When the music stops you must freeze mid-combination even if your leg is in the air.
  • If you move, you are out.
  • Last person standing wins.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • While frozen, remember what the next move is.
  • If you’re caught off guard, focus yourself, then continue.
  • Do not anticipate the pause; rather perform with purpose.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until only one person is left.
  • How To Video
    Point Form
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the students will build versatility in their form with a competition against their class mates.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – On the second round, the instructor can motivate the students to get a higher point number than they did on the first round. This will motivate the students to be better than they were previously and improve themselves.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    LONG TERM MEMORY – The students must remember how to do their form, and all the little details that go into their moves so they can earn a point. This works on their ability to recall information that they have learned in the past.
    Step 1
    Divide your class into groups based on their skill level.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have one group compete at a time.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will run through your form by the instructor’s count.
  • On each combination, the instructor will award the student with the best technique a point.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The student with the most points at the end of the form is the winner.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has two turns to compete with their form.
  • How To Video
    Say the Move
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will test their versatility by performing their form while saying the name of each move.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember the amount of mistakes they made on the first round, and then on the second round, the instructor can motivate the students to get less mistakes than they got on the first round.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    LONG TERM MEMORY – The student must be able to recall information that they learned in the past, by doing their form and remembering the name of the moves in their form as well. This works on their episodic and semantic long-term memory, as they have to remember how to do their moves (episodic), and what the names of the moves are as well (semantic).
    Step 1
    Divide the class into groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the first person from each group stand in the middle of the forms ring.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will do your form.
  • While you are executing your moves, you will say the name of each move.
  • If you make a mistake, you must start over.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • You will know your form by verbally describing your form.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has at least two turns.
  • How To Video
    Spot the Mistakes
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the instructor will perform the student’s form, while making random mistakes on purpose. The student must spot the mistakes.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student misses a mistake that the instructor does, they will have five pushups. If they are able to catch all of the instructors mistakes, then the instructor will have five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to watch the instructor do their form, and spot every mistake they make and correct it. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to recognize the visual mistakes that the instructor makes.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into several groups with no more than four students per group.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have groups ready to observe instructors
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will run through the student’s form.
  • The instructor will make random mistakes on purpose.
  • The student must stop the instructor when they notice a mistake and correct the mistake.
  • At the end of the form, the instructor will let the student know if they missed any mistakes.
  • If the student missed a mistake then the student must do 10 push-ups.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Students will learn their form by looking for mistakes.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has a turn.
  • How To Video
    Weight Form
    Equipment needed:
    Two 5-pound weights per group
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the students will build power in their form while holding a small weight in each hand.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    CHOICES – The student can choose the weights they want to use, making sure its three to five pounds to avoid injury. This will allow students to give themselves a challenge if they would like. The choice in the activity will also empower the students, as they will feel more in control over what they are doing.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    RESPONSE INHIBITION – The student must be able to do their form while having the weights in their hands. This will work on their ability to do a task despite distraction, the distraction being the tiredness they may feel from the weights.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into groups based on rank.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    The first student from each group will perform their form while holding a weight in each hand.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will help the student maintain technique while they perform their form.
  • Continue until each student has two turns.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • This drill will develop arm muscles and allow students to focus on forms despite distractions.
  • Step 5
  • One the third round, make this a competition to see which student has the best technique while holding the weights.
  • How To Video