Drill: Twister Stance
Equipment needed: 9 Colored Rings per Line
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: The students will work on the technique for their stances by playing a challenging game of twister. This will help build body awareness and leg strength as they shift from stance to stance.
Teaching SKILLZ:
Step 1
Divide your students into lines
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
For each line, set up a 3×3 square made of different colored rings.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • You will call out which leg you want in which color ring.
  • The student must repeat the proper leg and color, then they must also say what stance they are in.
  • Have each student do at least three stances.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Make sure your toes are pointing the right way
  • Bend your knees as low as you can.
  • Stay in your stance.
Step 5
  • Continue until each student has three turns.
How To Video