Jumping Joeys
Equipment needed:
1 Small Pad Per Student
Instructors needed:
One per line
Students will work on their JUMPING by hopping like a baby Joey and stack all their pads.
Step 1
Place pads down the mat at random points.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Explain that they will be baby kangaroos today!
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
When you are called, you will use baby hops as you go to collect your pads.
Continue to hop to a pad, and then stack it by your guardian.
Once all your pads are stacked, hop back to your spot.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
Make sure students are jumping and not running
Cheer on students and give them a high-five when they do it correctly
Encourage them to jump as fast as they can
Step 5
Continue for multiple rounds.
How To Video