Skill: Play
Drill: 4 Square
Equipment needed: One large yoga ball
Instructors needed: One
Description: The students will bounce the ball into another person’s square and try to knock them out.
Step 1
  • Divide your mat into four squares.
  • Number each square 1-4 going clockwise.
  • Have one person stand in each square and the rest of the class line up on the side of the mat.
Step 2 – Explain the Rules:
  • The person standing in square 4 is the king and will always serve to begin the game by bouncing the ball into any of the other 3 squares.
  • The student whose square receives the ball must hit it into another square.
  • If the student fails to return the ball to another square without it bouncing more than once or being hit directly into another square then they are out and must go to the end of the line.
  • The next student in line enters square 1.
  • If the student that got out is on square 2-4, then the students still in the game rotate to the next square clockwise.
Step 3
  • Continue the game for 5 minutes.
How To Video