Skill: Versatility
Drill: Forms Tag
Equipment needed: None
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: In this drill the students will practice their forms by running through their form and having their partner take over when the instructor says “tag.”
Teaching SKILLZ:
CHOICES – The instructor can ask the students to pick a partner in ten seconds. This gives them the chance to work with the people they want to work with, and will also empower the students, as they will feel more in control over what they are doing.
ONG TERM MEMORY – The student must be able to remember their form, even when they are not currently doing it, and be able to jump into their form at any point and continue it. This works on their ability to recall information that they have learned in the past.
Step 1
Pair your students up with a partner
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Divide the partners into groups with no more than three pairs per group.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • One student will start the form.
  • When the instructor say “tag” the student will switch with their partner.
  • The partner must continue the form from where their partner left off.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • The instructor will continue to say “tag” throughout the form until the form is complete.
Step 5
  • Continue until each pair has completed the form at least twice.
How To Video