Drill: Blind Leadership
Equipment needed: None
Instructors needed: Multiple to monitor
Description: The students will practice having good CONFIDENCE by having to lead a drill or a war-up with a blindfold on. This will challenge the students mentally by requiring them to rely on their voice and body to lead their team the more confident they are the easier this game will be.
Step 1
Divide your students into groups
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
One person in the group will stand up and become the leader.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • The leader will put on a blindfold and when the instructor says “GO” they will start to lead their team through a drill or warm-up.
  • If the leader isn’t keeping their team loud it will become difficult for the leader to know what the students are doing.
  • The goal is to be able to lead a strong drill without having to use your eyes.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Be loud so that you can sound confident.
  • Demonstrate the drill even though you can’t see
  • Focus on being loud don’t worry about other distractions..
Step 5
  • Continue until each student has multiple turns.
How To Video