Fun Games: Pirate Dodge Ball
Equipment needed:
Dodge balls, 4 wave master cushions, 4 cones, and one stop watch
Instructors needed:
Several to monitor
The heroes must try and knock over all of the cones on the pirate’s side using dodge balls.
Step 1
Divide the class into two teams: Pirates & Heroes.
Mark a boundary to separate both sides.
On the pirate’s side, set up four targets with a cone on top of each target.
Step 2 -Explain the rules:
The heroes must knock all four cones off the targets using dodge balls within 1-minute to be the winner.
At the same time, the pirates will try and hit the heroes with dodge balls.
As heroes get hit with a dodge ball, they must go to the side and do 10 jumping jacks before re-entering the game.
If the pirate’s get hit, they must go to the side and do 10 jumping jacks before re-entering the game.
The pirates cannot stand in front of the cones.
The heroes cannot step onto the pirate’s side of the mat.
After 1-minute, if there are still cones on the pirate ships, then the pirates are the winners.
Step 3
At the end of the game, switch roles.
How To Video