Here are the three COURAGE tips that you will learn today:
1. COURAGE to hit
2. COURAGE to get hit
3. COURAGE to protect yourself
Skill-Building Drills – 15 Minutes
Beast Mode: Activated
The students will work on their COURAGE by breaking boards of increasing levels of difficulty.
Teaching SKILLZ: EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can make it so the winning team can pick an exercise for the other team to do, not exceeding five reps. This will motivate the teams to try their best to win so they can give the other team an exercise.
Brain SKILLZ: VISUAL PROCESSING – This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to be able to spot where they are supposed to hit on the board, estimate how much power they need to break the board, and hit that spot with the correct part of their hand.
Call the Colors:
Students will practice having good COURAGE as they demonstrate their ability to stand up in front in front of their friends and count with different categories without being silly.
Teaching SKILLZ: NEUROBICS – Students will count in colors instead of colors.
Brain SKILLZ: RESPONSE INHIBITION – Students will need to stay on task while other students will be looking at them during this drill possibly causing them some distractions.