The students will take turns picking someone to chase them around the circle without getting tagged.
Step 1
Have everyone make a big circle.
Select one person to go first.
Step 2 -Explain the rules:
You will walk around the circle tapping each student gently on the top of the head as you say “ninja.”
You will select one person by gently tapping them on the head and saying “turtle!”
The turtle will chase you around the circle, and you will try to make it back and sit in the turtle’s spot.
If the turtle tags you, then you go into the “mush pot” and everyone else gets to tickle you.
You cannot change directions when you are running.
You must sit in the turtles spot or else you go in the “mush pot.”
Step 3
Once you have a turn, you must place your legs straight out (to show you’ve had a turn) and you do not get another turn until everyone else gets a turn to be the turtle.