Equipment needed:
4 quick targets for each line
Instructors needed:
1 per Line
You must have great reaction time in self-defense. No matter how many defense moves you know, it won’t matter if you cannot react fast. In this drill, you are going to work on your reaction time by blocking targets from hitting the mirror behind you.
Teaching SKILLZ:
EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the target hits the wall, the instructor can have the student do five pushups. If the student is able to block all the targets, then the instructor will have five pushups.
VISUAL PROCESSINNG – The student must be able to spot the target in the air when it is thrown, and stop the target from hitting the wall behind them. This works on their ability to respond quickly to visual cues.
Step 1
Divide your class into several lines.
Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
The first person in line will stand against a wall or against the mirror.
Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
The instructor will toss one small target at the wall and the student must try and block the target before it hits the wall. If the target hits the wall, then the student must do 5 push-ups.
Continue the drill until every student has a turn. Speed up the drill by kicking the targets against the wall. This is even more challenging for the students.
Step 4 - Takeaways:
Focus on reaction time and speed.
Step 5
Make sure you are emphasizing the importance of reaction time and how it plays a crucial role in self-defense.
How To Video