Equipment needed:
Instructors needed:
A Few to Monitor
The students will challenge their ability to remain still and resist the urge to move!
Step 1
The instructors will be the ghosts.
The rest of the class will lie down somewhere on the mat with their feet straight out and their hands by their side.
Step 2 – Explain the Rules:
You will lie down still.
If the ghosts see you move your feet, mouth, hands, or any other part of your body, then you are out and must sit against the wall.
The last student left is the winner.
Step 3 – Rules for the Ghosts
The ghosts can try to make the students laugh.
The ghosts cannot touch the students.
Step 4
After one-minute of play, tell the students that they cannot blink.
Step 5
You can make it fun by having the students and the instructors switch roles.
Step 6 – Takeaways:
Don’t move, no matter what!
Respect each other’s personal space when you’re the ghost.
Don’t argue with each other over ending up out.
Step 7
Continue for several rounds.
How To Video