Step 1
Have the students and their guardians’ pair up with another student and guardian.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Put the balls on the opposite side of the mat from the students.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
- The students will run down the mat to the balls together.
- With each other’s help they will carry the balls back to their guardians.
- The students will continue running back and forth together until they have brought ll their balls to the guardians.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
- Encourage your student to be share with their friends
- Cheer the students on as they run as fast as they can.
- Celebrate with a big hug for your student after they have finished sharing the work with their partner.
Step 5
- Continue as many times as you can until time is called (approximately 2-minutes).