Skill: Instinct
Drill: Hurricanes
Equipment needed: One slammer pad and foam sword per line
Instructors needed: 1 per Line
Description: In this drill the students will build their instinct skills by learning how to counter attack against a round kick in a closed stance.
Teaching SKILLZ:
EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the instructor manages to hit the student with the noodle, then the student will have ten pushups at the end of their turn.
VISUAL PROCESSING – The student has to see the instructor swing the noodle at their head, and respond appropriately without getting hit. This works on their ability to respond to visual cues quickly and accurately, as well as make sense of what they see.
Step 1
Explain what a closed stance is: Opponent has the same leg in front, chests are facing in opposite directions.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Explain the hurricane counter attacks: Turn side kick. Turn hook kick.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
  • Divide your class into lines.
  • For each line you will need an instructor to hold a slammer pad in a closed stance.
  • The instructor will also carry a foam sword in their lead hand.
  • The instructor will swing the foam sword towards your head in a closed stance.
  • You will block the sword and kick the instructor’s slammer pad with the first hurricane counter attack. You will do this four times and then go to the end of the line.
Step 4 – Takeaways:
  • Workin on trusting your insticts by working on counters against the roundhouse kick
Step 5
  • On the second round you will do the second hurricane counter attack.
  • On the third round, the instructor will either say “1” or “2” and you must counter attack with the proper move.
How To Video