Rocks & Lily Pads
Equipment needed:
3 Poly Spots & 3 Balance Bubbles per line
Instructors needed:
One per line
Students will work on their STEPPING by working on STEPPING over and on different objects.
Step 1
Divide your students into lines.
Step 2 – Setting Up the Drill:
Have guardians sitting with their child, lay out alternating spots and balance bubbles for each line.
Step 3 – Explain the Rules:
On round one, have each student practice STEPPING over the rocks and onto the lily pads.
On round 2, have each student kick 2 times after STEPPING over the rocks.
Continue by having them punch 2 times after STEPPING onto the lily pads
Guardians will help students by reminding them when to kick and when to punch
Step 4 – Takeaways:
Be patient and give students a chance to think about whether they have to punch or kick.
Encourage students to take big steps over the rocks and step with both feet on the lily pads
Cheer on students as they step correctly and do the proper technique
Step 5
Continue as many times as you can before time is called.
How To Video