(Ages 5 - 6)
Blind Defense
Equipment needed:
1 blindfold per line
Instructors needed:
1 instructor per line
In this drill the students will work on developing better FOCUS by learning to perform their self-defense combinations on both the dominant and non-dominant sides.
If the student can escape all three times, then the instructor will have 5 pushups.
The student must be able to remember the defense for the grabs, and remembering to say “stay back” once they complete the defense.
Step 1
Divide your students into lines
Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
  • Demonstrate self-defense combinations 1-3
  • Have 1 instructor per line to be the attacker.
  • Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Have the first student in line put on the blindfold.
  • The instructor will attack them with self-defense combination #1, #2 and/or #3
  • The student must then properly defend themselves.
  • After the third attack, the next student in line gets a turn.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Stay calm when attacked
  • Be fast once you are grabbed
  • Yell “stay back!”
  • Step 5
  • Continue for at least 3 rounds.
  • How To Video

    (Ages 5 - 6)
    Equipment needed:
    1-3 foam block(s) per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 instructor per line
    Students will practice FOCUS by demonstrating keeping a block on their feet and then kick to launch the block to the instructor. Students will be challenged physically by requiring to engage their core to keep balance while keeping the block on their foot until they are ready to launch.
    Teaching SKILLZ: UP THE REP
    The student can kick three times: the first kick having little power, the second kick having medium power, and on the third kick, they can launch the block as far as they can.
    The student must be able to focus on holding their knee up high and balancing the block on their foot. This challenges their ability to do a task for an extended period of time, despite the physical difficulty.
    Step 1
  • Divide your students into lines
  • Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
  • First student will stand in line facing the instructor.
  • Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • First student will hold a front kick chamber towards the front.
  • The instructor will place a block on the top of their foot.
  • To assist the student with keeping the block on their feet, the instructor will put a finger on top of the block.
  • Students will then kick, launching the block forward into the air.
  • Rechamber to finish the kick.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Keep your head up, so that you can keep your balance.
  • Keep your knee up to have a more powerful kick!
  • Keep your foot flat so that the block stays on your foot.
  • Step 5
  • Continue 2 to 3 times through the line.
  • How To Video

    (Ages 5 - 6)
    Dodgeball Bash
    Equipment needed:
    2 different color dodgeballs per line
    Instructors needed:
    One per line
    In this drill students will work on FOCUS with their eyes by visually tracking 2 balls thrown and punching the color ball the instructor calls.
    If the student is able to hit the correct balls out of the air every time, then the instructor will do five pushups
    The student must be able to hear the instructor call out a color, see the correct ball and punch it in the air. This challenges the student’s ability to make the correct choices quickly.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have 1 instructor per line holding 2 different color dodgeballs
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The first student in each line will go to a guarding stance.
  • The instructor will then gently toss the two balls into the air.
  • He/she will then call one of the colors.
  • The student must quickly punch and hit ONLY that color dodgeball.
  • Do this 3 times and then go to the end of your line.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Keep your eyes on the balls
  • Keep both hands up when punching
  • Yell loud when you punch
  • Step 5
  • Continue for 2-3 rounds.
  • How To Video

    (Ages 5 - 6)
    Face to Face
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    1 Per Line
    Students will practice FOCUS by demonstrating their ability to focus by being able to demonstrate moves with the appropriate side while they are facing a partner who is going with them.
    If the student is able to do the drill and makes one mistake, they will have really good focus. If the student can do the drill without making any mistakes, they will have ninja focus and they will make their parents proud.
    The student must be able to do their left and right techniques called out by the instructor, while not getting distracted or tricked by their partner across from them, as they are doing the same thing, but their left and rights are swapped.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    The instructor will hold the small pads to the side of the students.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in each line will stand up and face their opponent.
  • When the instructor calls out a move with the left or right hand the student must do it.
  • But they don’t want to be thrown off by their partner who is facing them.
  • They will do 3 different moves.
    Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Have your eyes open so you can see.
  • Be loud as you say the moves.
  • Be fast to show you have good focus.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Fancy Feet
    Equipment needed: 1 ring, 1 Wavemaster top and 1 slammer pad for each line
    Instructors needed: 1 instructor for each line
    Description: The students will work on their FOCUS by demonstrating proper chambers and foot positioning without dropping their ring.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION - If the student drops the ring while they are kicking the pad, they will have five jumping jacks.
    • Brain SKILLZ: DIVIDED ATTENTION - The student must be able to kick the pad, focusing on not dropping the ring on their foot but also focusing on hitting the pad with only the ball of their foot.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into lines.
    1. Explain the rules:
      • Place one hand on the Wavemaster top for balance and the other hand in guard.
      • Chamber one leg and place the ring around that foot.
      • Kick the slammer pad with only the ball of the foot (front kicks) for 3 reps, without touching your foot to the floor or dropping your ring.
      • You have 2 chances to make it to 3.
    1. Takeaways:
      • Keep your chamber knee high.
      • Extend through the ball of your foot.
      • Don’t kick so fast that you drop the ring.
    1. Continue for 2 sets, switching legs on the second round.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Going Going Gone
    Equipment needed: 3 small targets per line
    Instructors needed: 1 instructor for each line
    Description: The students will practice their focus by learning to judge distance and timing while punching.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: INTRINSIC MOTIVATION - The instructor can explain that if the student can punch the pad further than they did on their previous turn, they will make their parents proud.
    • Brain SKILLZ: VISUAL PROCESSING - The student must be able to track the pad while it is in the air, and hit it in the correct place with the right technique so the pad flies farther. This challenges their ability to complete visual tasks and track moving objects.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into lines.
    1. Have the instructors start from one step away.
    1. Explain the rules:
      • The instructors will throw the pad.
      • The student must punch the pad so that it will fly straight forward.
      • Then the instructor will take another step away and then throw the second pad.
      • If successful, take one more step away and throw the final pad.
    1. Takeaways:
      • Focus on the pad.
      • Punch in the middle.
      • Re-chamber your punch.
    1. Continue until each student has two turns.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Knock the Block
    Equipment needed: One wavemaster cushion and block per line
    Instructors needed: One per line
    Description: The students will build their focus skills by punching a block off a cushion with accuracy.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: HEALTHY COMPETITION - The instructor can make it a competition to see who can knock the block off the fastest while punching straight and yelling loud.
    • Brain SKILLZ: AUDITORY PROCESSING - The student must be able to hear the word "go" from the instructor, and the student must be able to get up fast and punch their block. This challenges their auditory processing ability since they are lying down and not able to see the instructor, and the only cue for them to go is auditory.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into lines.
    1. For each line you will need the top of a wavemaster cushion or stack of pads with a foam block sitting on top, and an instructor approximately three steps away.
    1. Explain the rules:
      • You will lay on your back with your head towards the cushion.
      • When I say “go” you will jump to your feet and punch the block to your instructor.
      • Your goal is to punch the block right in the center with the proper part of your hand.
      • If you hit the block properly, then the block should fly directly into your instructor’s hands, making it easy to catch.
    1. Takeaways:
      • Punch the block hard.
      • Punch the block straight.
      • Stand up fast.
    1. Continue until every student has three turns.
    1. On the second and third turn, make it a contest to see who can punch the block to their instructor the fastest.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Know Your Foot
    Equipment needed: One slammer pad per line
    Instructors needed: One instructor per line
    Description: In this drill the students are going to kick the pad with all three kicks using the three parts of their foot.

    How to Video

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    1. Have your students make a straight line. You may need two lines depending on the size of the class.
    1. Teach the students how to kick the slammer pad with a round kick hitting the target with the top of the foot.
    1. Teach the students how to kick the slammer pad with a front kick using the ball (or bottom of the foot).
    1. Teach the students how to kick the slammer pad with a side kick using the heel.
    1. Now randomly call out a kick and the student must react fast and kick with the appropriate part of the foot.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Math Kicks
    Equipment needed: One kicking target per line
    Instructors needed: One per line
    Description: In this drill the students will solve a simple math problem and then kick the target equal to the sum of the math problem. This is a great way to teach your students math!
    • Teaching SKILLZ: CHOICES - The instructor can ask the student if they want an easy, medium, or hard question, or the instructor can ask if they would like addition or subtraction. By asking this, the student will feel more excited to do the drill because they had power in choosing what they had to do.
    • Brain SKILLZ: SPEED OF PROCESSING - The student must be able to hear the math problem and solve it as quickly as they can, and complete the amount of kicks.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into several lines with no more than four to a line.
    1. The first student in line will have to solve a simple math problem. For example: What is 2 + 2? Stick with math problems that only include numbers 1 – 5.
    1. Many of your younger students will have a hard time figuring them out, so show them how to use their fingers to add.
    1. Once they solve the problem, have them kick the target equal to the sum of the math problem.
    1. Continue until each student has at least three turns.
    1. You can add variety by changing the technique to a different kick, strike, or even block.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Missed Me
    Equipment needed: Three small square targets
    Instructors needed: One per group
    Description: One student will punch the pad as the other student dodges the pad.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: CHOICES - The instructor can tell the students to all find a partner as quick as they can, so they get to choose who they can work with.
    • Brain SKILLZ: VISUAL PROCESSING - The student punching the pads must be able to see their partner and hit the pad in the correct direction in order to hit their partner. The student who is getting hit must track the pad and step out of the way before they get hit. This drill works on their ability to track moving targets and process visual activity.

    How to Video

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    1. Pair your students up with a partner and divide the pairs into groups.
    1. You will need an instructor to hold the pads and three small targets for each group.
    1. Explain the rules:
        • One person will stand against the wall and then other will stand approximately 6’ away.
        • The instructor will hold the target as the student punches the target at their partner.
        • The person against the wall must dodge the target.
        • If you get hit, then you have to do five jumping jacks.
    1. After the student punches all three targets, have them switch roles.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Ninja Dodgeball
    Equipment needed: One dodgeball per line
    Instructors needed: Two per line
    Description: In this drill the students will practice having focus with their body as they dodge balls that are punched at them. This is a great drill for teaching the students how to dodge small objects.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION - If the student does not get hit by the dodgeballs, the instructor will have three pushups.
    • Brain SKILLZ: VISUAL PROCESSING - The student, if they are punching the ball, must be able to see the instructor and hit the ball out of the air in the correct direction in order to hit the instructor. The student, if they are getting hit by the instructor, must track the ball and step out of the way before they get hit. This drill works on their ability to track moving targets and process visual activity.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your class into several lines.
    1. For each line, you will need an instructor that will punch the dodge ball at the student, and an assistant to help retrieve the ball.
    1. The first student in line will stand against the mirror or wall. The instructor will be at least 4 steps away.
    1. The instructor will toss the ball in the air and then punch the ball aiming at the student. The student must dodge the ball.
    1. If the student gets hit, then he/ she will have to do 3 push-ups.
    1. Do this at least 5 times.
    1. You can make it fun by having the instructor do 10 push-ups if he/ she cannot hit the student with any of the shots.
    1. You can make it even more challenging by having the student switch roles with the instructor.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Ninja Ears
    Equipment needed: One wave bag or similar target per line
    Instructors needed: One per line
    Description: In this drill the student will practice using focusing with their ears as they keep their eyes closed and have to follow the commands they hear. This is great for teaching the students how to listen carefully to commands.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: NEUROBICS - The instructor can change the techniques with other names, like "red" instead of "left punch", and "blue" instead of "right punch", etc. By associating the action with a different word that does not describe the action, the instructor would be challenging their working memory as well as keeping the students engaged by changing up the vocabulary.
    • Brain SKILLZ: AUDITORY PROCESSING - The student must be able to hear the instructor say a left or right technique, and complete the correct technique with the correct hand as quickly as they can. This works on their ability to respond quickly to audio cues.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into several lines.
    1. The first student in each line will stand in front of the wave bag in striking distance and close their eyes.
    1. The instructor will call out left or right punch and the student must hit with the correct hand.
    1. If the student punches with the wrong hand, then he/ she will have to do 3 push-ups for each mistake.
    1. Do this at least 5 times.
    1. Continue until each student has a turn.
    1. Repeat the drill by calling out left or right kick.
    1. You can make it challenging by calling out combinations.
    1. You can make it even more challenging by giving the left and right hand and feet names. For example:
        • Orange – left punch
        • Apple – right punch
        • Banana- left kick
        • Grape – right kick
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Pattern Punches
    Equipment needed: 2 Rings Per Line
    Instructors needed: 1 Per Line
    Description: The students will practice FOCUS by having to demonstrate multiple punches through rings, the challenge is remember the order you’re supposed to punch the rings.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: NEUROBICS - The instructor can change the colors with other names, like "cat and dog" or "spiderman and ironman", etc. By doing this, the instructor would be challenging their working memory as well as keeping the students engaged and connect their left and right brain by changing up the vocabulary.
    • Brain SKILLZ: WORKING MEMORY - The student must be able to hear the pattern that the instructor calls, and repeat the pattern after the instructor is finished calling it out. This works on their ability to hold onto information for a short period of time, while they complete a task.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into lines.
    2. Setting up the drill:

    ●     Have the students facing the instructor.

    1. Explain the rules:

    ●     The 1st student will face the rings.

    ●     The instructor will call out the different ring colors, the students will have to be able to punch through the ring without hitting it.

    ●     The goal is for the student to cross the lateral plane as they play this game.

    ●     On round 1 have the students do one color 3 times, every round after that add one more punch so on round 3 they do 3 punches 3 times.

    1. Takeaways:

    ●     Keep your eyes on the rings

    ●     Do your best to FOCUS on the colors the instructor says

    ●     Keep your hands up so you can punch faster

    1. Continue until each student has 2 turns.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Ring Up
    Equipment needed: 1 Ring and 1 Clapper Pad per line
    Instructors needed: 1 Instructor per line
    Description: Students will practice FOCUS by demonstrating their ability to kick a target while keeping the ring on their leg. Students will be challenged physically by requiring them to keep their core engaged to keep balance and keep their thigh muscles engaged when holding their chamber. Due to having to perform several tasks at the same time for each kick, students are also challenged intellectually.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION - If the student drops the ring, they will have three jumping jacks. If the student is able to complete their turn without dropping the ring, the instructor will have three pushups.
    • Brain SKILLZ: ATTENTION CONTROL - The student must be able to focus on keeping their knee up high, or else the ring will fall down. This works on their ability to focus on doing one thing for the whole duration without getting distracted, despite their leg getting tired.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into lines.
    2. Setting up the drill:

    ●      The first student will start facing the instructor

    1. Explain the rules:

    ●      Students will chamber for a front kick with a ring hanging on their leg/thigh

    ●      Students will kick the pad three times without letting the ring drop.

    ●      They have to kick and rechamber while keeping their knee up.

    1. Takeaways:

    ●      Knee up to keep the ring off the floor.

    ●      Kick strong so that you can hit the pad hard.

    ●      Keep your head up so that you can keep your balance.


    1. Continue 2 to 3 times through the line.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Rocket Kicks
    Equipment needed: 1 Clapper pad & 1 Ring per line
    Instructors needed: One Per Line
    Description: The students will practice FOCUS by demonstrating their ability to use focus with their body and ears. This will challenge them physically by requiring them to quickly stop kicking and have a seat when the instructor says.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: HEALTHY COMPETITION - The instructor can make it a competition by awarding a point to the student who sits down the fastest, while sitting strong.
    • Brain SKILLZ: AUDITORY PROCESSING - The student must be able to hear the word "go" from the instructor, do their kicks, and when they hear "stop", they must sit down as quick as they can. This works on their ability to respond to audio cues.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into lines.
    1. For each line, you will need an Instructor holding a clapper pad
    1. Explain the rules:
        • The 1st student in each line will stand with both feet inside the ring.
        • When the instructor says “GO” the student will demonstrate alternating front kicks while staying in the ring.
        • When the instructor says “STOP” the students must stop kicking and sit down inside the ring.
        • If the student steps out of the ring they are disqualified for that round.
        • First student to sit down and say finished sir/ma’am wins.
    1. Takeaways:
        • Listen for the correct time to sit down.
        • Have strong kicks the entire time.
        • Go as fast as you can to make it a challenge.
    1. Continue so that each student has at least 2-3 turns.
    Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
    Skill: FOCUS
    Drill: Splat
    Equipment needed: 1 kicking shield per line
    Instructors needed: A few to monitor
    Description: The students will practice their focus using their ears to listen as well as working on doing something fast but without cheating.
    • Teaching SKILLZ: HEALTHY COMPETITION - The instructor can make it a competition by awarding a point to the student who stands up the fastest, while yelling loud and hitting the pad with their chest.
    • Brain SKILLZ: AUDITORY PROCESSING - The student must be able to hear when the instructor says "splat", so they can drop down on their stomach quickly and stand up and yell loud. This drill works on the ability to respond quickly to audio cues.

    How to Video

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    1. Divide your students into lines.
    1. You will need to lay one kicking shield per line in front of the lines.
    1. Explain the rules:
      • When you say “splat” they must drop down touching their stomach to the pad.
      • Then jump back up and yell “hi-ya”
      • The first to do so wins.
    1. Takeaways:
      • Yell loud so you don't get hurt.
      • Listen for the word SPLAT.
      • Drop to your stomach fast.
    1. Continue until every group has three turns.