Equipment needed:
1 wavemaster / 3 cones per line
Instructors needed:
1 per Line
Students will practice having good PRECISION by demonstrating their ability to hit small targets with any kick they would like but they are not allowed to knock down any other cones.
Teaching SKILLZ:
NEUROBICS – The instructor can challenge the students by having them say the name of a color, animal, food, or another simple category each time they hit a cone, without repeating. This will connect the left and right hemispheres of their brain as well as keep the students engaged.
WORKING MEMORY – The student must be able to remember the order in which the cones are called, and kick only those cones in that order. This works on their ability to hold onto information while performing a task.
Step 1
Divide your students into lines.
Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
Have the students sitting with the instructor.
Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in the lie will stand up and face the wavemaster with the cones on the top.
  • The instructor will call out numbers which will apply to the cones.
  • The student will then have to knock down the cones in the order called with any kicks they would like to do.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Have good posture as you throw your kicks.
  • Keep your legs strong as you throw your kicks.
  • Have good technique as you throw each kick.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Breaking Jeopardy
    Equipment needed:
    One board per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will improve their PRECISION in this drill by trying to break the board for a chance to answer a question and win a point for their team.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can allow the winning team can pick an exercise for the opposing team to do, with reps not exceeding five.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    SPEED OF PROCESSING – The student must analyze the question that the instructor says, and break the board faster than their opponent once they know the answer. This works on their ability to complete a task quickly and accurately, as they have to answer the question by breaking the board.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Give each instructor a re-breakable board.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will ask a Martial Arts related trivia question.
  • The first student to break their board may answer the question.
  • If correct, they may receive a point for their team.
  • If incorrect, the second person to break their board may answer.
  • The team with the most points wins.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Concentrate on having good technique for each break.
  • Breathe or yell on each break.
  • Keep going even if you make a mistake, don’t give up!
  • Step 5
  • Continue until everyone has had 3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Equipment needed:
    1 Long rope, 2 Re-breakable boards
    Instructors needed:
    1 for each side of the rope
    The students will test their PRECISION under pressure in this game of tug-o-war.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can allow the winning team can pick an exercise for the opposing team to do, with reps not exceeding five.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The students must be able to focus on pulling the other team, while making sure they have a good base so they do not get pulled, while also making sure that the person on the end can break the board. This works on their ability to focus on multiple things at one time.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into even groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have one instructor stand a few feet away from the last person on each side of the rope.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • When you say “go”, the students will pull on the rope to try and get the last person in their line close to the board holder.
  • Once they are close, that person will try and break the board while holding onto the rope.
  • If they are successful, the last person will rotate to become the first person on their side.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Teamwork and breaking boards by beting the other team in tug of war
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has a turn at the end.
  • How To Video
    Drop Breaks
    Equipment needed:
    1 Chair & 1 Re-breakable board per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The instructor will be hold board so that it drops with flat side towards the student. As the board drops the student must accurately palm strike the board. Make the height lower and lower.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember how many tries it took them to break the board on the first round, if they broke it at all. On the second round, the instructor can motivate the students to break the board in less tries than they did on the first round.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to spot the board falling, and break the board midair. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to target the spot they need to hit on the board while it is moving.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line, you will need an instructor standing on a chair.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student, will stand below the instructor..
  • The instructor will be hold board so that it drops with flat side towards the student.
  • As the board drops the student must accurately palm strike the board.
  • Each student will get 3 drops then head to the back of the line.
  • On round 2, drop the board from a lower height.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Be fast, slow strike will just push the board away.
  • Keep your technique strong.
  • Watch for the board to be right in front of you before you strike.
  • Step 5
  • Continue so that each student has at least 2 turns.
  • How To Video
    Ladder Side Kicks
    Equipment needed:
    Multiple speed ladders & Re-breakable boards per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will practice PRECISION by demonstrating their ability to consistently do the same board break, breaking the board each time. This will challenge them physically by requiring them to hit the board with good accuracy and power so that it breaks with each kick.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    CHOICES – The instructor can allow the students to choose what board they would want to break. This will allow the students to choose a challenge if they want to get even better, and will empower the students as they have a choice in what they are doing.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must make sure their feet move correctly within the ladder, and make sure they sidekick the board in the correct spot. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to recognize the middle of the board as their target and aim for that spot every time.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line, you will need an instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student, will stand sideways with their front foot in the first rung of the ladder.
  • When the instructor says “GO”, the student will taka step with rear foot, behind their front foot into the next run on the ladder.
  • They will the use the leg that is now behind them to throw a powerful sidekick breaking the board.
  • After the break the student wants to show a good re-chamber, then place the kicking leg back in the front.
  • If the student doesn’t break the board they will get 5 push-ups for every non-break or miss.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Use good accuracy so you break the board each time.
  • Don’t go to fast or you might mess up your steps.
  • Don’t forget put some power on each kick.
  • Step 5
  • Continue so that each student has at least 2 turns.
  • How To Video
    Look First
    Equipment needed:
    1 Wavemaster top / 1 Clapper Pad Per Line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will practice PRECISION by demonstrating 3 spin hook kicks over an obstacle hitting a pad they want to do their best to not to miss the target.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    NEUROBICS – The instructor can challenge the students by having them say the name of a color, animal, food, or another simple category each time they kick the target, without repeating. This will connect the left and right hemispheres of their brain as well as keep the students engaged.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must do their kick, but look over their shoulder first and spot their target before hand. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as when they see their target, they know it is okay to kick.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line you will need an instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student will stand in front of the wavemaster top.
  • They will place their kicking foot in the back and then turn and look over their shoulder.
  • Once they can see the pad, then they can kick it.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Look before you kick so that you know what you’re kicking.
  • Kick the pad as hard as you can.
  • Chamber before you kick and hit a full extension on each kick.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has 2 – 3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Memory Breaks
    Equipment needed:
    Re-breakable Boards per line
    Instructors needed:
    3 per Line
    The students will work on their PRECISION and memory skills in this game by trying to remember color combinations and breaking the boards in that order.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student makes a mistake in how they break the boards, than the student has to do ten pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    WORKING MEMORY – The student must be able to remember the order in which the boards are called, and break them in that order. This works on their ability to hold onto information while performing a task.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into group.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have each of the 3 instructors hold a different color board.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will call out a 3 color combination.
  • The student must break each board in the given order.
  • If the student makes a mistake, then he/ she will have to do 10 push-ups.
  • Try to break the board in the first try.
  • Yell when you hit the board.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Yell or breathe when you hit the board to show intensity.
  • Use your best technique on each break.
  • If you happen to miss, keep going and don’t give up.
  • Step 5
  • Continue for 3 rounds.
  • How To Video
    Mini Golf
    Equipment needed:
    1 ring/3 small pads per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice having good PRECISION by demonstrating their ability to hit small targets with their sidekicks, they will be aiming these targets to a small marked area.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    NTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember how many times they were able to kick the pad into the ring on the first round, if any. On the second round, the instructor can motivate the students to kick the pad in the ring more times than they did on the first round.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must be able to hit the pad into the ring from a distance away. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to judge the distance between the pad and the ring, and judge how much power they need to hit the pad in the ring.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the students sitting with the instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in the lie will stand up and face the wavemaster with the small pad held out.
  • The ring will be about 6’ from the student who will then take their first shot at kicking the bag.
  • The students are aiming to get one of their pads to land in the ring, for every pad that does the instructor will get 5 push-ups.
  • The person that gets the closest in the game is also the winner.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Hit the center so that the pad goes straight.
  • Gauge your power so that you can reach the “hole.”
  • Chamber 1st so that you have a accurate kick.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    On Your Feet
    Equipment needed:
    Two re-breakable boards
    Instructors needed:
    The students will test their precision by jumping to their feet and breaking the board before their opponent.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    TRICKERY – The instructor can say things like “ghost” and “gogurt” in order to try and trick the students. This will enhance their auditory processing skills as they have to listen for the whole word, and not just the sounds in the word.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    AUDITORY PROCESSING – The student must listen for the instructor to say “go”, and stand up as fast as they can to break the board. This works on their ability to follow verbal commands quickly and accurately.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into two lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line you will need an instructor to hold a board.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • When I say “go” you will jump to your feet and break the board.
  • If you break the board faster than your opponent, then you win a point for your team.
  • The first team to 10 points is the winner.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Must work prcision and speed on their break.
  • Step 5
  • You can add variety by changing the technique. For example: front kick, round kick, side kick, axe kick, palm strike, elbow strike, hammer fist, etc.
  • How To Video
    Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
    People Poppers
    Equipment needed:
    3 small pads per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice having good PRECISION by demonstrating their ability to hit small targets with their strikes while aiming to hit a moving target which will be the instructor.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    CHOICES – The head instructor can let the students choose which instructor they would want to hit with the pad. This will motivate the students to participate in the activity because they can hit the pad at their instructor of choice.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student must hit the pad and aim for a moving target, being an instructor. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to make sure they can judge the distance between them and the pad, and estimate when to strike and in what direction.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the students sitting with the instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in the lie will stand up and face instructor who will be holding the targets.
  • Designate 1 instructor to walk slowly back and forth across the mat.
  • The students will stand up in line and will aim to hit the instructor if the students hit the instructor they earn 1 point.
  • The students will use a punch to hit the targets, the line with the most points will win.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Hit the middle of the target.
  • Use your eyes to see where the instructor is .
  • Punch fast so that you can hit the instructor.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Pop-Off Round Kick Break
    Equipment needed:
    Wave bag base or sturdy step and re-breakable board
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the students will break boards with pop-off round kicks. The purpose of this drill is to test your student’s precision with a challenging kick break.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students that if they do not break the board or they miss, then they have five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The student must be able to run down to their bag, jump onto the base, hop off and use their momentum to kick the board. This works on their ability to do multiple things at one time, as they have to kick while jumping in the air.
    Step 1
    Divide your class into several lines with no more than eight students per line.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line, set up one wave bag base (or step) on the opposite end of the training deck.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Run and step on the based with your right leg.
  • Push off the base and rotate your hips towards the board.
  • Use your knee to aim at the board.
  • Kick the board with your instep or ball of your feet.
  • Land skillfully.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Learn to push off a bag and break in mid-flight
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has several turns.
  • How To Video
    Rapid Fire Breaks
    Equipment needed:
    One re-breakable board per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the students will build better accuracy in their side kicks by breaking boards continuously without putting their foot down in between each break.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students that if their foot touches the ground, then they will have ten pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    ATTENTION CONTROL – The students must be able to keep their leg up for the whole duration of the drill. This works on their ability to focus on one thing for an extended duration, as if they drop their foot, they do ten pushups.
    Step 1
    Divide your class into several lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    The first student in line will start from “chamber position” as shown in the picture, and break the board with a side kick, then re-chamber their leg.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • They must break the board three times without putting their foot down. If they miss, that’s ok, but they must keep their leg in the air or else they must start over.
  • Continue until each student has at least two turns.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Working on proper balance and chambering of kicks by not putting the kicking foot down to the ground between kicks.
  • Step 5
  • You can add variety to this drill by changing the technique to a front kick, round house kick, hook kick, etc.
  • How To Video
    Ring Breaks
    Equipment needed:
    One ring station per line, or small hula hoop & several strength levels of re-breakable boards
    Instructors needed:
    One per group to hold the board and one if you need someone to hold the hula hoop
    Accuracy is a key element of board breaking. In this drill we are going to put your accuracy skills to the test by having you break a board through a small ring.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students that if their feet hit the edge of the ring, then they will have five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student has to break the board, while putting their foot through the ring and making sure they do not touch the ring. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to avoid the ring around their foot while still breaking the board.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into several lines with no more than six to a line.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line, set up a ring station that the students will have to kick through.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The first student in each line will try and break the board without touching the ring. If they touch the ring, then they must to do 10 push-ups.
  • Continue until each student has a turn.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The students will work on precision and accuracy by breaking boards by kicking through the rings.
  • Step 5
  • The second time around, challenge the students by using a harder board and increasing the amount of push-ups by 10.
  • How To Video
    Toss and Break
    Equipment needed:
    One re-breakable board per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will test their precision by dropping the board and breaking it in the air.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember how many tries it took them to break the board on the first round, if they broke it at all. On the second round, the instructor can motivate the students to break the board in less tries than they did on the first round.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The student must be able to drop the board, move their hands and break the board before it hits the ground. This works on their ability to do multiple things at one time, as they have to drop the board with one hand and break it with the other.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line you will need an instructor and a re-breakable board.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Hold the re-breakable board from the top and in the middle, above your head level.
  • Drop the board and strike it in the middle with a fast palm strike.
  • If you hit the board with enough speed and precision the board will break.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Work on precision by breaking boards that are dropping in the air.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has at least five turns.
  • How To Video