Program: Basic SKILLZ (5 and 6 yrs.)
Drill: In the Ring
Equipment needed: 3 small pads/1 ring per line
Instructors needed: 1 per line
Description: The students will practice having good CONTROL by demonstrating their ability to aim their punches and control their power. This will challenge them physically by requiring them to use good power and aim as they strike the pad.
1. Have students form 2 teams
2. Explain the rules:
3. Takeaways:
4. Continue until each student has multiple turns.
● Have each assistant instructor make a large circle with their group
● The head instructor will hold/roll both dice
● The instructor will roll the time die, then roll the stance die.
● You will have to hold the rolled stance for the time determined by the time die.
● If you move or come out of your stance you are out.
● If you laugh, yell or talk you are also out!
● The goal is to have the best CONTROL over you body & mind to be the last!
● Repeat for multiple rounds.
● Tell yourself "yes I can” if you’re legs start to burn!
● CONTROL your mind by not getting distracted by your environment.
● Keep the giggles on the inside until the instructor says "time”!
● Have each group make a circle
● 1 student will be in the middle
● Assign everyone else a number
● Show the students how to perform self-defense #1
● Call a number, and the assigned student will grab the student in the middle.
● He/she will then have to perform self-defense #1 and yell "STAY BACK”
● Repeat for 2-3 more numbers.
● Yell "stay back” as loud as you can
● Do your moves strong or else they might not work
● Remember to CONTROL your heart and no be too silly