Catch the Flag
Equipment needed:
One flag and 4 cones per line
Instructors needed:
1 per Line
In this drill, the students will practice quickness with their hand-eye-coordination by trying to steal a flag from their opponent.
Teaching SKILLZ:
EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student is not able to get the flag from the instructor in time, than they will have five pushups.
SPEED OF PROCESSING – The student must be able to get the flag from the instructor; they must react to their instructor’s movements in order to get the cone. This works on their ability to complete a task quickly and accurately, as they must grab the flag before time runs out by getting around their instructor.
Step 1
Divide your students into even lines.
Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
Have them make straight lines on one side of the training deck.
Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • On the opposite end of the training deck, use 4 cones to make a 6’ x 6’ box.
  • Have an instructor stand in the middle of the box.
  • The instructor will tuck the flag into the side of his (her) belt.
  • When you say “go” the first student from each line will race to the box directly across from their line and try to grab the instructor’s flag.
  • Once the student grabs the flag, he (she) will give the flag back to the instructor to tuck back into their belt, and then race to the end of the line.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Hand eye coordination practice by trying to take the flag from the instructor, while racing the other team.
  • Step 5
  • The first line finished is the winner.
  • How To Video
    Check & Fire
    Equipment needed:
    1 kicking shield per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice having good INSTINCT by demonstrating their ability to quickly spot their target and kick with the correct leg that was called out by the instructor.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student uses the wrong leg or turns in the wrong direction, then the student will have five pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    AUDITORY PROCESSING – The student has to hear the instructor call out left or right, and turn over their correct shoulder in order to kick the bag correctly. This works on their ability to respond to verbal commands accurately.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the students sitting with the instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in line will stand up and face away from the instructor.
  • The student will listen for the instructor to call out either right or left.
  • When the instructor says a side the student will look over that shoulder and quickly sidekick the bag that is held by the instructor.
  • The 1st student in any line to hit the bag will earn their team 1 point.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Go fast so that you get better in sparring
  • Kick hard so that you can get strong.
  • Use your heel on each kick.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 2-3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Don’t Reach
    Equipment needed:
    1 Kicking shield per line & Students need sparring
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will practice INSTINCT by demonstrating their ability to not get scared and reach after incoming kicks, but to keep their gaurs up and hands in to prevent more openings. This will challenge them physically and emotionally by requiring them to be able to get hit and still be able to focus and score the point.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    NEUROBICS – The instructor can challenge the students by having them say the name of a color, animal, food, or another simple category each time they hit the target, without repeating. This will connect the left and right hemispheres of their brain as well as keep the students engaged.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    RESPONSE INHIBITION – The student must be able to block the kick without reaching for it, and hit the pad to counter the kick. This works on their ability to complete a task despite distraction, as they must be able to hold back their initial reaction to reach for the kick to block it, and instead let the kick hit them, and then counter.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    For each line, you will need an instructor.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student, will stand up and start bouncing in their sparring stance.
  • On round 1, the instructor will throw a back leg round kick to the body the student must keep their rear hand tight to their body.
  • The student must let the kick hit their arm and immediately strike the kicking shield with a lead back fist.
  • The student will repeat this 3 times then go to the back of the line.
  • On round 2, play the same game but now use a lead leg round kick instead.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Be fast, slow strike will just push the board away.
  • Keep your technique strong.
  • Watch for the board to be right in front of you before you strike.
  • Step 5
  • Continue so that each student has at least 2 turns.
  • How To Video
    Freeze Spar
    Equipment needed:
    Instructors needed:
    Several to Monitor
    The students will test their instinct by defending themselves against another team and when they get hit, they have to freeze until one of their teammate’s un-freezes them. This is great for building spatial awareness and courage.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMPETITION – The instructor can give the lines silly names, like “Hamburgers vs. Hotdogs” in order to motivate the students to win as a team. The team with the most points at the end of the game will win.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The students must be able to focus on the other team and their surroundings, and make sure they keep their hands up while they play this game. This works on their ability to focus on multiple things at once, as they have to focus on either getting people out or not getting out, focusing on where the other team is, and making sure they are aware of their surroundings so they do not get cornered or run into people.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into two teams.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Select one team to be “it” and have them line up against one wall while the other team lines up against the other wall.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • When I say “go” the team that is “it” will run around and try to tag you by kicking you in the approved target zones.
  • If you get tagged, then you have to sit and freeze until one of your teammates touches your head and then you are back in.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Continue for 2-minutes. After 2-minutes, the students must sit out as they get tagged, and you will track how long it takes for the team to eliminate everyone.
  • Step 5
  • Switch roles. The team that eliminated the other team the fastest is the winner.
  • How To Video
    Equipment needed:
    Sparring Gear
    Instructors needed:
    The students will practice INSTINCT by having to always have their hands up because everyone is trying kick you in the head.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can allow the winners of each round to be safe from the exercise that one of the instructors picks, with around five reps.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The students must be able to focus on their surroundings and be defensive, while also looking out for opportunities to get other people out and play offensive. This works on their ability to focus on multiple things at once, as they also have to focus on their positioning around the mat as well as the people around them.
    Step 1
    Spread students out on the mat.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    You will need multiple instructors.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The students will be spread out on the mat.
  • When the instructor says “GO”, the students will start free-for-all sparring.
  • The only way to get out is to get kicked in the head. No Jump kicks. Spin kicks allowed only if they are controlled.
  • Hands can be used to strike, but strikes to the head won’t get anyone out.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Hands up always! You never know where the next kick will come from.
  • Look for the best possible opening to score your point and look around so you know where everyone is.
  • Move! If you are still for too long you will get kicked.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student has 2 – 3 turns.
  • How To Video
    Equipment needed:
    One slammer pad and foam sword per line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    In this drill the students will build their instinct skills by learning how to counter attack against a round kick in a closed stance.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the instructor manages to hit the student with the noodle, then the student will have ten pushups at the end of their turn.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student has to see the instructor swing the noodle at their head, and respond appropriately without getting hit. This works on their ability to respond to visual cues quickly and accurately, as well as make sense of what they see.
    Step 1
    Explain what a closed stance is: Opponent has the same leg in front, chests are facing in opposite directions.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Explain the hurricane counter attacks: Turn side kick. Turn hook kick.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Divide your class into lines.
  • For each line you will need an instructor to hold a slammer pad in a closed stance.
  • The instructor will also carry a foam sword in their lead hand.
  • The instructor will swing the foam sword towards your head in a closed stance.
  • You will block the sword and kick the instructor’s slammer pad with the first hurricane counter attack. You will do this four times and then go to the end of the line.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Workin on trusting your insticts by working on counters against the roundhouse kick
  • Step 5
  • On the second round you will do the second hurricane counter attack.
  • On the third round, the instructor will either say “1” or “2” and you must counter attack with the proper move.
  • How To Video
    Keep Them Close
    Equipment needed:
    2 kicking shields shields per group
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    Students will practice INSTINCT by being put in a 2 on 1 situation, it is their job to always be aware of where the second person is. This will challenge them mentally and physically as they try and keep the other attacker away for an extended period of time .
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – If the student gets tapped by the second attacker while kneeing the first one, then the student has ten pushups.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    DIVIDED ATTENTION – The student must be able to knee the person in front of them, while also making sure that the second attacker does not tap them. This works on their ability to focus on multiple things at one time.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have one be the defender and have 2 students be the attackers.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The defending student will start in with one attacking student in a clinch.
  • They will have 10 seconds to do knee strikes and move their partner in the clinch.
  • The 2nd attacker will slowly be walking around the ring during this time.
  • If the 2nd attack can touch the back of the defender then the attackers win.
  • If the defender can keep the 2nd person in their sight for 10 seconds then they will finish with a front kick at the end of time.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Don’t give up when you are tired.
  • Keep moving don’t stand still.
  • Use your knees to make your partner move.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each person has 1-2 turns.
  • How To Video
    Offense | Defense
    Equipment needed:
    Sparring Gear
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will work on their instinct by focusing solely on either their offensive or defensive skill. This drill will help develop a better understanding of offense and defense techniques and strategy.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember how many times they got hit by their partner, and on the second round, the instructor can motivate them to get hit less times than they did on the first round.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The students must be able to play the game while spotting openings if they are on offense, and block and dodge moves if they are on defense. This works on their ability to respond to visual cues, as well as make sense of what they see.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into pairs.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Put on sparring gear
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will assign one student to be offensive only, meaning they can only attack.
  • The other student will be defensive only, meaning they may only block or evade.
  • The students will spar 1 minute rounds then switch roles.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Work on the instincts of offensive or defensive techniques
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each students has sparred one of each round.
  • How To Video
    Pay Attention Point Sparring
    Equipment needed:
    4 cones
    Instructors needed:
    In this drill, the students will practice point sparring with a fun game.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    HEALTHY COMPETITION – The team with more points at the end of the game can give an exercise for the losing teams to do, doing around five reps.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The students must be able to play the game while spotting openings, and blocking and dodging moves. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see, as they have to make sure they recognize when people are going to strike and when they should strike themselves.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into pairs
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have your students put their gear on.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • Divide your class into pairs and give each partner the same number starting with number 1.
  • Have them line up facing each other (in order) directly across the training deck.
  • Use cones to mark the lines.
  • The instructor will call out a number, and the two students assigned that number will race to the middle of the training deck and point spar.
  • The first student to score a point wins a point for their team.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Being attentive and being ready to spar
  • Step 5
  • The first team with 10 points in the winner.
  • How To Video
    Round Robin
    Equipment needed:
    Sparring Gear
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Group
    The students will improve their instinct in sparring by playing a game where the winner stays in.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    Brain SKILLZ:
    Step 1
    Divide the class into groups based on rank.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have all of the students line up around a ring and then select two students to be in the middle to spar first.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • You will point spar against your opponent.
  • The first person to score a point stays in and the next person will jump in.
  • The winner stays in.
  • Your goal is to stay in the middle for as many rounds as possible.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • The winner will stay in – so work on the instinct of winning the sparring match
  • Step 5
  • Continue until you’ve gone around the circle at least two times.
  • How To Video
    Spin and Jump
    Equipment needed:
    Sparring Gear
    Instructors needed:
    Few to monitor the drill
    The students will test their instinct skills by using only jumping and spinning techniques. This drill will force the students to think more about which techniques they use, and how to use them.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The instructor can tell the students to remember how many times they landed a move on their partner, and on the second round, the instructor can motivate them to land more moves than they did on the first round.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    RESPONSE INHIBITION – The students must be able to score while using techniques that are harder, or techniques that they do not normally use. This works on their ability to complete a task despite distraction, as they have to hold back their instinct to do other moves other than jump or spin moves.
    Step 1
    Divide the class into pairs.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Put on sparring gear
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • One student in each pair will be assigned to Jump.
  • This student may only use jumping techniques while sparring.
  • The other student may only use spinning techniques.
  • Spar 1 minute rounds then switch roles.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Don’t forget you can still use your hands for defense.
  • Make sure you can see your target so that your techniques are accurate and not overly powerful.
  • Do your best to cooperate with your partner so each of you get a chance to grow.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until each student spars one of each round.
  • How To Video
    Spot the Opening
    Equipment needed:
    Two handmitts for each line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will practice INSTINCT by looking for an opening that the instructor gives with the handmitts.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    CHOICES – The instructor can let the students choose what speed they would like to go: slow, medium, or fast. The choice in the activity will empower the students, as they will feel more in control over what they are doing.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The students will have to see the target pop up in front of them, and use an appropriate technique to hit the pad before it goes away. This works on their ability to make sense of what they see.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Each instructor will put on both mitts
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will give each student 5 openings to hit with any technique
  • The pad will only there for a short amount of time
  • If the students hit all 5 openings, the instructor will do 5 push-ups
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Move quick so the target is still there
  • Choose your moves wisely because if it takes a long time, it might be too late
  • Keep your hands up to train yourself to always keep them there
  • Step 5
  • Continue until everyone has gone twice
  • How To Video
    Step Off
    Equipment needed:
    A noodle for each line
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Line
    The students will practice INSTINCT by stepping off the line quickly without crossing their legs while being attacked.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    CHOICES – The instructor can let the students choose what speed they would like to go: slow, medium, or fast. The choice in the activity will empower the students, as they will feel more in control over what they are doing.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    VISUAL PROCESSING – The student has to see the instructor swing the noodle at their head, and respond appropriately without getting hit. This works on their ability to respond to visual cues quickly and accurately, as well as make sense of what they see.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into lines
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Each instructor will hold a noodle
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The instructor will call out left or right
  • The student will have to go to the correct direction with getting hit or crossing their legs
  • If they can perform 5 directions without any mistakes, their instructor will do 5 push-ups
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • React fast because there is little time between the direction and the noodle coming at them
  • Take a big step because if it is too small, you still might get hit
  • Move quick to make sure you do not get hit
  • Step 5
  • Continue until everyone has gone twice
  • How To Video
    Tic Tac Toe
    Equipment needed:
    9 Rings 6 belts sections(2 dif colors)
    Instructors needed:
    1 per Group
    The students will demonstrate INSTINCT by racing up and down the mat trying to make quick decisions. This will challenge them mentally by requiring them to work well under pressure.
    Teaching SKILLZ:
    EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – The winning teams can pick an exercise for the losing teams to do, doing around five reps.
    Brain SKILLZ:
    SPEED OF PROCESSING – The students will have to run down to their Tic Tac Toe board and quickly place a dot in the most favorable ring, and run back to their line. This works on their ability to make the correct choices quickly and accurately.
    Step 1
    Divide your students into 2 groups.
    Step 2 - Setting Up the Drill:
    Have the rings set up in 3 lines of 3 across the mat from both groups.
    Step 3 - Explain the Rules:
  • The 1st student in each group will run down to the ring and place their first belt section.
  • When they get back the next student may run down and place theirs.
  • This will continue for the 3rd person, wants all sections are down the students will continue taking turns running down the mat.
  • The goal of the game is to make your belts for 3 in a row in any direction.
  • After all belts are out the students will have 10 seconds to change a belt once they run down.
  • Step 4 - Takeaways:
  • Move fast to help your team win.
  • Be accurate when you place the dot so you spot counts.
  • Be smart about where you place the dot.
  • Step 5
  • Continue until you play 2-3 games.
  • How To Video