Class 1 – Focus
Static warm-up – 7-minutes
• Arms: Hold intermediate push-ups
• Legs: Hold squats position
• Abs: Hold beginner dish
• Core: Hold beginner bridge
Mat chat – 3-minutes (Includes water break)
• Today we are going to work on FOCUS.
• FOCUS means to pay attention with your eyes, ears, and body.
• Here are three FOCUS tips that you will learn today:
1. FOCUS with your eyes by looking at people when they talk to you and also looking at what you are doing.
2. FOCUS with your ears by listening to what others say.
3. FOCUS with your body by not moving when others are talking to you and also being aware of where your body is.
Skill-building drills – 15-minutes
1. Going, Going, Gone: The students will practice their focus by learning to judge distance and timing while punching.
2. Math Kicks: In this drill the students will solve a simple math problem and then kick the target equal to the sum of the math problem. This is a great way to teach your students math!
Skill stripe test – 10-minutes
• See testing charts
Passive stretches: 5-minutes
Game – 3-minutes
• Octopus
End of class announcements – 2-minutes
Class 2 – Teamwork
Active warm-up – 7-minutes
• Arms: Shoulder taps
• Legs: Beginner squats
• Abs: Sit ups
• Core: Bridge with side taps
Mat chat – 3-minutes (Includes water break)
• Today we are going to work on TEAMWORK.
• TEAMWORK means working together, helping each other and having great sportsmanship.
• Here are three TEAMWORK tips that you will learn today:
1. Working together cooperatively without fighting or arguing.
2. Helping each other accomplish a goal.
3. Having sportsmanship when playing by not cheating, whining, or bragging.
Skill-building drills – 15-minutes
1. Back and Forth: In this drill the students are going to practice their kicks back and forth while learning how to take turns quickly.
2. Instructor Switch: The students will build their teamwork skills by calling out Martial Arts moves for the instructor to perform. This will help the students build confidence and good leadership skills.
Skill stripe test – 10-minutes
• See testing charts
Active stretches: 5-minutes
Game – 3-minutes
• 4-corners
End of class announcements – 2-minutes
Class 3 – Control
Dynamic warm-up – 7-minutes
• Arms: Push-ups
• Legs: Squat jumps
• Abs: Sit-ups w/ legs in the air
• Core: Bridge with shoulder taps
Mat chat – 3-minutes (Includes water break)
• Today we are going to work on CONTROL.
• CONTROL means to have power over your mind, heart, and body.
• Here are three CONTROL tips that you will learn today:
1. Have CONTROL over your front kicks.
2. Have CONTROL over your side kicks.
3. Have CONTROL over your round kicks.
Skill-building drills – 15-minutes
1. Dizzy Race: In this drill the students will develop better control of their body by racing down the training mat, spinning their head around a blocker target four times, and then kicking a target ten times. This is a fun way to teach your students to control their body.
2. Speedy Ladder: The students will build their control by front kicking a target while not hitting a stack of pads below their foot. This will help the students build good chambers in their front kicks.
Skill stripe test – 10-minutes
• See testing charts
Dynamic stretches: 5-minutes
Game – 3-minutes
• Pirate dodge ball
End of class announcements – 2-minutes